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Call for Papers for the Academic Track

Academic Track Submission 

July 14th, 2024

Acceptance notification: August 13, 2024 Camera-ready copy due: August 31, 2024

The Symposium is an international forum for researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners in the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and, in particular, of conceptually innovative topics in the scope.

The Academic Research Track is for new and original research results. Researchers may submit either a regular presentation or a short paper. 

Proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Please make sure to fill out and send to nhsa 'at' the LNCS License to Publish form. The form has to be signed by the corresponding author from each paper. The corresponding author, who must match the corresponding author marked on the paper, must have the full right, power, and authority to sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on their behalf. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made. 

To download the LNCS Consent to Publish form, click the button.



To download the LNCS Instructions for Authors, click the button.


Extended and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for a special issue with the

Journal of Cryptography and Communications.


Submissions for the Academic Track

Submission is open on Easychair

Conference presentations will have two formats​

1. Regular presentations: of 20-25 minutes accompanied by papers of 12-15+ pages in the proceedings. This form is intended for contributions reporting on original research, submitted exclusively to this conference.

2. Short Papers: of 5-10 minutes accompanied by papers of 6-11 pages in the proceedings. Such submissions may describe work in progress or work presented elsewhere. 


Submission Requirements: 

Papers are to be submitted electronically in Easychair. Each submission must be in English, in PDF format, and begin with a cover page including: (1) the title, (2) the names and affiliations of all authors, (3) contact author’s email and address, (4) a couple of paragraphs abstract of the paper, (5) indication whether the paper is a regular submission, or a short paper submission.


A regular submission must be 12-15+ (LNCS formatted) single-column pages (excluding cover page and references). Additional necessary details may be included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee.


If requested by the authors on the cover page, a regular submission can also be considered for a short paper.

Submission Deadline: July 14, 2024 
Submission to Academic Track is open on Easychair
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