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Call for Submissions

The Symposium is an international forum for researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners in the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and, in particular, of conceptually innovative topics in the scope.

The Symposium will have three tracks: Academic Research Track, Entrepreneurship Pitch Track, and PhD Masters Student Research Track. 



Academic Track Submission Final Deadline Extension to 18 February, 2022 via Easychair

The Academic Research Track is for new and original research results.

Researchers may submit either a regular presentation or a short paper.

Proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

See more information on the Academic Track Page



Entrepreneurship Pitch Track Submission Final Deadline Extension 26 June, 2022 via sending to nhsa 'at'

Entrepreneurs are invited to submit a presentation of a short pitch which will be presented in front of VC's and industry representatives. An entrepreneurship pitch submission must not exceed a 6 page Powerpoint or PDF abstract. Authors of the entrepreneurship pitch submissions - please note that the submissions will not be NDA protected.

See more information on the Entrepreneur (Pitch) Track Page


Ph.D. and Masters Student Research Track Submission Final Deadline Extension 26 June, 2022 via Easychair or email to nhsa 'at'

There is an opportunity for PhD and Masters students to submit their work in progress. This offers an opportunity to present their work in progress and to solicit comments from their peers, academicians, and industry experts. Accepted submissions will be gathered in a Technical Report of NHSA (just like previous year).​

See more information on the PhD/Masters Track Page


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Regular papers will be included in the Springer LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.



Extended and revised versions of selected papers will be considered for a special issue in the

Journal of Computer and System Sciences







Please make sure to fill out and send to nhsa 'at' the LNCS Consent to Publish form. The form has to be signed by the authors of each paper, at least by the corresponding author.


Submissions for the Academic Track
Conference presentations will have two formats​

1. Regular presentations: of 20-25 minutes accompanied by papers of 12-15+ pages in the proceedings. This form is intended for contributions reporting on original research, submitted exclusively to this conference.

2. Short Papers: of 5-10 minutes accompanied by papers of 6-11 pages in the proceedings. Such submissions may describe work in progress or work presented elsewhere. 


Submission Requirements: 

Papers are to be submitted electronically in Easychair. Each submission must be in English, in PDF format, and begin with a cover page including: (1) the title, (2) the names and affiliations of all authors, (3) contact author’s email and address, (4) a couple of paragraphs abstract of the paper, (5) indication whether the paper is a regular submission, or a short paper submission.


A regular submission must be 12-15+ (LNCS formatted) single-column pages (excluding cover page and references). Additional necessary details may be included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee.


If requested by the authors on the cover page, a regular submission can also be considered for a short paper.

Submission Deadline: February 7, 2022  Extended to February 11th, February 15th
Final Extension Deadline February 18, 2022
Submission to Academic Track is open here on Easychair
Call for Papers for the Academic Track
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Academic Track Submission Deadline 7 February, Extension to 11 February, Extension to 15, February

Final Deadline Extension to 18 February, 2022 23:59 anywhere

The Symposium is an international forum for researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners in the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and, in particular, of conceptually innovative topics in the scope.

The Academic Research Track is for new and original research results. Researchers may submit either a regular presentation or a short paper. More information regarding submissions can be found on the submissions page.


Proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Please make sure to fill out and send to nhsa 'at' the LNCS Consent to Publish form. The form has to be signed by the authors of each paper, at least by the corresponding author.
Only authors employed by the EU (as an institution) should tick that particular box. If you work in a country in the European Union, you do NOT have to tick that box. Equally, the box for US Government employees should only be ticked by US Government employees.

To download the LNCS Consent to Publish form, click the button.







Call for Pitches for the Entrepreneur (Pitch) Track

Entrepreneurship Pitch Track Submission Deadline 12 June, 19 June, 2022

Final Deadline Extension to 26 June, 2022 23:59 anywhere 

All Entrepreneurship Pitches should be submitted by sending to nhsa 'at'

The Symposium is an international forum for researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners in the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and, in particular, of conceptually innovative topics in the scope, however, pitches do not have to remain within the scope of this conference. Pitches are open to any scope.


Entrepreneurs: (including those in startup companies and those who just have brilliant ideas) are invited to submit a presentation of a short pitch which will be presented in front of VC's and industry representatives. An entrepreneurship pitch submission must be either a powerpoint presentation (about 6 slides) or a one-pager (PDF abstract).


Authors of the entrepreneurship pitch submissions - please note that the submissions will not be NDA protected.

Submissions for the Entrepreneur (Pitch) Track

Entrepreneur (Pitch) Track: We have leading VC that are looking forward to exploring investment opportunities.
Accepted pitches will be presented during the "Entrepreneurship Pitch Track" in front of VCs and industry experts in the country. The best pitch will receive the Gavish prize of $500 In addition, the selected 3 best pitches will get a certificate of excellence of innovation.


Pitch Format: About 15 minutes (including a Q&A) accompanied by six page abstracts/pitch presentation. 


Submission Requirements: 

An entrepreneurship pitch submission is usually a one pager or pitch slide deck that must not exceed 6 single-column pages. 

(The authors of the entrepreneurship pitch track please note that the submissions will not be NDA protected)


Submission Deadline: June 12, June 19, 2022

Final Deadline Extension to June 26, 2022

Submission to Pitch Track can be emailed to 

Call for PhD and Masters Track Papers

PhD and Masters Student Research Track Submission Deadline 12 June, 19 June

Final Deadline Extension 26 June, 2022 23:59 anywhere 

The Symposium is an international forum for researchers, entrepreneurs and practitioners in the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and, in particular, of conceptually innovative topics in the scope.

The PhD and Masters Track is for graduate students (PhD and Masters) to expose their research to peers by submitting their work in progress. This offers an opportunity for them to present their work in progress and to solicit comments from their peers, academicians, and industry experts. Accepted submissions will be gathered in a Technical Report of NHSA (just like previous year)
This will not block publications in other venues as it is only a technical report level.


Submissions for the PhD and Masters Track Papers

Submission Requirements: LNCS format papers for PhD track (see the last year papers here)
Submission Deadline: June 12, June 19, 2022- registration in Easychair and few paragraphs abstract
Final Deadline Extension to June 26, 2022
Submission to PhD Track is open here on Easychair

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